Friday, August 27, 2010

One of the many fat school days ~

During our ONCE IN TWO WEEKS long break (1 hour and 20 mins) , Sing Yee and i decided to try out one of the restaurants which is like SUPER DUPER NEAR to our school . and OOPS , yes , its KOREAN FOOD AGAIN =='" . too irresistable...too many of them around....

The awesomely cool menu .

The vintage style environment .

Sing Yee posing for the camera .

Favourite routine !!!!

My bulgogi chicken .

Sing Yee's sizzling hot pan pork bulgogi which made our clothing so smelly after that .

Ahhh !!! the cute korean writing ~~ ^^

WALAHH !!! My 1 min strawberry smoothie .

And my Strawberry popsicles made from THICK , CREAMY GREEK YOGURT .
Beat THAT !!

p/s : If you are wondering why my blog is all about food , well......i am wondering why too =='"

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