Friday, December 26, 2008


This is SHIRO . She is a japanese breed call AKITA INU . Her name means WHITE in japanese . hahahah . i am soooooooooooooo not creative .

Look at her cute blank face . With her small double eyelid eyes . She has eyelashes too .

When she gets EMO .
She always goes to the corner when she wants to be alone .
And this is CHANEL . The big sister who bullies the other two dogs since she is the oldest . hahahha . She is a GERMAN SHERPERD . She is actualy kinda chicken and fake cause she is super mean to the other two dogs but very nice to us . HAHAHHAH . And she is kinda small .

This is the smallest (age) , DODO . But she is the BIGGEST IN SIZE . She is rather huge . But she is super blur and lazy . ahhahhaha . She still has the baby attitude , only she that she is HUGE . This is a picture of her when she was still a baby .

AND NOW...............

For your imformation these pictures are VERY PRECIOUS and VERY hard to take . I went through a lot of trouble taking these pictures .
My dogs often give me scratches and bruises and scars . But the scars are not permanent so i forgived them . hahahha . But there were a few times when i had these really really painful and ugly scratches . Some of them even had blood . ugh .
But i still LOVE THEM =)

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